Thursday, March 3, 2011

I breathe in.....I breathe out.....

I breathe in, I breathe out,
Put one foot in front of the other,
Take one day at a time...
-Chris Cagle

I have been so stressed and overwhelmed lately....feels almost like I'm going to have a panic attack.  There is just so much to do, and being only one person, makes it so hard to get done.  Being in school full-time, definitely isn't helping the situation any.  I have so much homework to do, that I have been putting off....simply because I don't have the time!  Then today, I realized just how much is due so soon! I am doing amazing in school right now....I have an "A" in all 5 of my classes, and I don't want to let it slip!  

Yes, you are probably wondering why I'm not doing anything right now! haha!  But, from time to time I need a mental break from the cleaning and homework.  It's to the point right now, that when I look at my homework, it doesn't make any sense, because there is so much on my mind that I simply can't concentrate.  I'm sitting here *trying* to enjoy my coffee and hang out with Kayla until she goes down for a nap.  Then, I suppose it's back to work! :/

Anyone wish you could hire a maid?  or, clone yourself?  

Monday, February 21, 2011

Photography Edits

I have always had an interest in photography, but never wanted to take the time to learn how to use a camera properly.  Once I found all these amazing resources on the web, I changed my mind and got very excited! :)
I decided with my tax refund I would get a DSLR camera.  But, after not getting back as much as I thought (and, of course, deciding to pay some bills instead, haha), I ended up with the Canon G12.  The Canon G12 allows you to control the ISO, aperture, shutter speed, and so much more, but it doesn't allow you to change the lens like the DSLR does.  However, I am completely satisfied with it so far.  I still can't wait to get a DSLR, but I figure this is a step up from what I had, and it will help me learn how to take great photos.
Here are some photos I took, which were edited in Photoshop Lightroom 3.3.  I was very excited to be able to get the look of flowing water....can't wait for the warmer weather so I can get great shots of the waterfalls around here!